Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Baseball Field Project

Pastor Earl is still in Managua and has been for over a week now.  The latest plan was for him to come back today, but once again it got pushed back to Saturday.  Yesterday he was able to buy fertilizer, but I have no idea what he got, where he got it, or how much he got; I told him to try to get something similar to 16.16.16, so hopefully he was able to do that.

I hope to begin working on the baseball field project today; the first step will be bringing in a grader to break up the extremely hard and rocky soil, hopefully we don't have to pay too much for this, because the Baptist mission owns it; next we will buy truckloads of "black soil" to lay out as top soil, I think we will need around five truck loads, and they cost $70 per load, so I am going to have to try to come up with that; after this I plan on spreading the soil out in the areas we want to plant, and then we will let it sit for two weeks (and pray for rain), because I am afraid the "black soil" may be full of weed seed; we will then clean up whatever weeds sprout, and then prepare for planting the Paspalum seed.

You quickly learn that when you are working in a third world country, especially in an isolated part of the country, things do not get done at the time you expect them too, and usually the goal is to get it functioning, not to get it the way you want it.  I guess it is all part of the experience, I am learning to be more and more patient each day.


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