Friday, October 22, 2010

Baseball Field Progress/Another Hurricane Warning

Hello everyone, the last few days I have been working full time on the baseball field.  Junior is the guy in the Verbo ministry that is in charge of the sports department, so I have been working with him a lot (he speaks English, which is awesome).  We spent a lot of time and money getting the grader to come clear and level the area where the playing field will be, but we did finally get that done a few weeks ago.  Our next project has been marking out the infield; the first time we hired the guy who does the field at the stadium in Puerto Cabezas, but he did not do a very good job, because the distances from first to second and second to third were closer to 80 feet than 90.  When I realized that the field needed to be re done I took a few of the high school guys, the 100 ft tape measure, and a lot of colorful stringy rope type stuff and got to work.  It took a few hours before we could finally get everything to line up, but eventually we did.  The next day I came back with the same crew and we began raking the ground to level it out more and soften it up; when we got to the field I discovered that someone had come and stolen all of the rope and pulled out all of our stakes.  That night I went and bought some kind of chalk stuff so we could mark the lines with a material that people wont steal, and the next day Junior and I marked the field out once more; this time it only took an hour or two, I am pretty sure I could design baseball fields for a living now.  That same day I took a group of the high school guys and to rake everything up, and then the next day I went to buy material to make a fence around the infield, because after we plant the grass we need to keep everyone off for at least six weeks.  It is an uphill battle, but as Junior keeps saying, all of the difficulties and resistance show that God is going to use this sports ministry, and their is a greater purpose behind what we are doing.  I am hoping to go out today to build the fence, and then plant the grass Monday after the storm passes, but I don't count on things working out that way; I have come to except that things almost never turn out the way I plan, so lots of patience and having a back up plan are how I get by.

In other news, there is another tropical storm that is expected to turn into a hurricane some time soon.  It is about 300 miles to the east of Puerto Cabezas right now, and it is currently expected to go to the north of us, but please keep us and all of the small communities that live in the potential impact area in you prayers.

Thank you for your continued support and interest in my adventures and projects,



  1. What fantastic memories you are building through this experience. Love the updates and the photos they make it real. You will never forget this time in your life, I am so glad you are making the best of it.

  2. Austin your field prep looks great. Wow we are probably learning more than you through your adventures it helps us to keep things in perspective. we all need to give our expectations to God, then we won't be dissapointed when things work out, not the way we planned! He has it all under control and will make good come out of it even when someone makes a bad choice like taking the stringy rope stuff! We can't wait to see some green grass on that field and God's kids in Nicaragua getting to play some ball, may it bring others closer to him!
